Stone Kitchens Redoubles Commitment to Green Technologies

Stone Kitchens in Hermitage, PA has always been focused on clean production, but some recent investments have further reduced their environmental footprint.

While granite, marble, slate, et al. are natural products, the steps involved in converting raw stone into functional pieces for the home can be messy.Stone Kitchens is committed to green tech

We take pride in our reclamation practices and have introduced state-of-the-art water filtration, dust collection, and air movement systems.

Bio-degradable waste bags collect the sand and grit and since no chemicals are introduced during production, the air and water utilized in stone shaping is filtered and reused.

Stone remnants too small to re-cut are taken to DSF in Sharpsville, PA where they’re crushed into AASHTO #1 and 2A gravel used in highway construction.  While this may seem like an inglorious end, it is notable for two reasons.

  1. Construction substrates may leach into watersheds.  The stringent lab testing and pre-qualification for materials used in this manner is significant.  These aggregates must be approved by both the DEP and state level Departments of Transportation.  Yes, our processed remnants are safe enough to go back into the ground.
  2. Our scrap does not go into a landfill.

In addition, we believe that a clean, safe environment for our artisans is paramount to a creative workspace.  The enclosed grinding room and new air compressors have greatly reduced shop floor noise.

Stone Kitchens’ president, Bonnie Graven says, “The equipment and effort is a little more expensive but happy employees and a cleaner environment is a win/win.”

Fewer Seams.  Better Earth.