Why did granite counter tops become popular?
There are many alternatives; stainless steel, laminate, concrete, glass, and, engineered stone has become popular due to its consistent, custom color palettes. However, natural stone products like sandstone,marble, limestone, and the subject of this article; granite are unique. Whether you choose man-made or natural materials, each has its own price structure and advantages.
There are several reasons for granite’s continued attractiveness.
Raw material pricing. There are over 50 different countries that quarry granite. The cost per square foot of granite is about a quarter of what it was in the 1970’s.
Unique beauty. There are over a thousand different color palettes. Each has a unique composition, pallet of secondary colors, and patterns. Major color categories include (and these are natural, mind you); white, beige, yellow, gold, green, blue, red, burgundy, brown, grey, and black. Every design and pattern in the stone is different. In other words, your counter top will be one-of-a-kind.
The availability of semi-finished and pre-fabricated products has increased.
Pre-fab Countertops. Imported stone products are cut to spec and finished before they are exported. They are often used in multi-unit construction where there is very little variation in layouts. It’s easy to order hundreds or even thousands directly from the manufacturer, online.
Blanks. These are strips pre-cut to standard counter top widths. This allows cutting and fitting to be done at the job site. While kitchen islands, creative applications, and installations with complex miters or curves can present challenges, this is a notable option for big box retailers and kitchen contractors. They can either bid more cheaply or make more profit using these semi-finished strips.
If your application can’t or shouldn’t take advantage of pre-fab or blanks, your project would probably require…
Custom. Manufacturers of custom surfaces make counter tops from the generally standard 8.5’ x 4.5’ slabs of your chosen stone. There are two installation technologies used in custom counter top manufacturing.
Mock Up. The installer actually builds a replica of your counter top on site. They use light materials and glue to put together the model which they then transport back to their shop. While the grain of stone can be sometimes unforgiving at the seams, this approach can represent cost savings for homeowners or more profit for custom manufacturers.
Advanced CNC. The manufacturer uses sophisticated measuring technology along with CAD systems and specialized flatbed CNC machines to produce the
finished cuts. AI based digital photography allows for the creation of visually undetectable joints and more precise fits.
Everyone has unique requirements, but there is a reason that the contractors who use blanks and mock ups for their clients’ kitchens have chosen StoneKitchens’ CNC technology to do the countertops in their own homes. Please, contact us to find out why.
StoneKitchens: Fewer Seams. Better Fit.